Download and read Bisola-Mariam’s book, How to kill your spouse on this website.
Next, submit a creative adaptation of the book in a 1 minute video and also in a creative piece, not more than 60 seconds long in video, and not more than two paragraphs in writing.
Post on your social media page, and tag Bisola-Mariam via on at least one video, and one text based platform.
Drive traffic to your post, by asking those in your network to follow BM, and also commenting creatively on your own entries.
There are three categories of prizes to win.
The First person wins N50k,
The second person wins N30k, and
The third win N20k.
Making a total of N100k to be won
How to participate;
1. Download and read Bisola-Mariam’s book, How to kill your spouse on this website.
2. Next, submit a creative adaptation of the book in a 1 minute video and also in a creative piece, not more than 60 seconds long in video, and not more than two paragraphs in writing.
3. Post on your social media page, and tag Bisola-Mariam via on at least one video, and one text based platform.
4. Drive traffic to your post, by asking those in your network to follow BM, and also commenting creatively on your own entries.
5. Contest begins, January 7th 2024, and it ends January 21st 2024.
6. To access the book, and join the challenge, Click here: