Watch my book launch here.
How To Kill Your Spouse is the story of an African student victim of domestic violence, whose relocation to study abroad, became her escape from a toxic marriage. This story exposes the secret pain of many victims of emotional abuse, and the challenges they encounter on the path to seeking justice. This story is an important tool for victims of domestic violence, and very specifically, intimate partner violence.
This book will become the vehicle for building a global story telling community, and a safe space for victims of domestic violence, through the movement I Dey For You. This community will provide educational resources, provide and or connect victims and or survivors to counseling and or legal services across the world. Every time you donate, you enable us to publish more copies of my book, and when we do this, we increase the number of people who can access my story; when more people read my story, we increase the chance of having more victims speak up; and we can continue to support them through our global community for survivors, I. DEY.FOR.YOU.
Please join us as we help make this dream a reality through your donations.